The Four Horseman
We will be away next weekend, so there will be no weekend report next week……..However, if there is a lot of volatility next week…or if something big takes place…we’ll send out a very abbreviated edition Wednesday evening,
Also, as usual, we want to begin by reiterating once again that one of our goals is to provide comments from both sides of the bull/bear ledger each weekend. Therefore, it might sound like we’re talking out of both sides of our mouths at times. We’re really just trying to give both sides of the story. However, we always try to let you know which side of that ledger we stand on at any given time.
Table of Contents:
1) It is still not out of the question that we could see a “melt-up” in the stock market before year-end.
2) This is not an earnings-driven rally.
3) Microsoft (MSFT) could be the most important earnings report of the season.
4) The Middle East…It’s very unlikely to de-escalate any time soon.
5) The charts on the S&P 500 and NDX 100 look quite good!
6) The data always gets better right before a Presidential Election (no matter who is in power).
7) The pullback in China’s stock market won’t last much longer.
8) The risks in the stock market are much, much higher than usual right now.
9) Potpourri…..Grantland Rice.
10) Summary of our current stance.